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AltRider Tail Tidy Fender Eliminator for the Yamaha Tenere 700

A Tail Tidy Fender Eliminator is a popular option for the Tenere 700 to remove the heavy and unattractive OEM tail fender. AltRider strives for continuous improvement and we’ve designed the new T7 Tail Tidy for the most extreme riding conditions. We offer the only 2-part system that mechanically stabilizes the tail tidy, distributing the load deep inside the sub-frame. As the only aluminum with stainless steel reinforcement option on the market, the AltRider Tail Tidy is the lightest and most robust design available, using a 2-part system and formed gussets to maximize the strength and rigidity.

  • Compatible with all versions OEM blinkers (old and new) or any blinker with a standard 10mm mount
  • 2-part design utilizes gussets to maximize the strength and rigidity for extreme riding conditions
  • Formed from a single sheet of 4.1mm thick 5052 aluminum
  • Stainless steel reinforcement support replaces the OEM internal steel bracket
  • Lightweight, replaces 3.1 lbs (1.4 kg) of OEM equipment
  • Textured black powder coat finish

Compliments the popular AltRider luggage rack for the T7 for a completely integrated look.

The AltRider Tail Tidy Fender Eliminator for the Yamaha Tenere 700 is compatible with the OEM incandescent blinkers (2019-2023), the new OEM LED blinkers (2024-current), or any third-party blinker with a standard 10mm mount. To keep things tidy, the cable routing is made convenient with slots for cable-ties and easy cable routing up into the tail plastics. The license plate illumination and blinkers are located tightly up under the brake light to instantly clean up the rear lines of the bike, and looks great from any angle. Securely mount your license plate using the four pre-drilled holes, which prevents any stress-cracks found on two-hole designs. The angle of the plate keeps it tight to the bike, and out of the way of your tire, even with aggressive knobbies, in the event of full compression.

Available with the Cyclops Tuff Light Full Flex Blinkers comprehensive kit for the Yamaha Tenere 700 (sold separately). The Cyclops lights are available for both versions of the Tenere 700 blinkers. Upgrade your older incandescent blinkers to LED or convert the OEM LED blinkers to Cyclops blinkers with more versatility. Now easily turn your blinkers into additional running lights and brake lights (rear) for added visibility. White lights in the front and red in the rear. Rear red running lights and bright red brake lights. You can omit the running and brake lights if you wish and still have the best blinkers on the market. Dazzling bright Amber blinker functions.  All in a spring-loaded stock to prevent damage from a tip over, crash or impact with brush, trees etc. They will bend 180 degrees, but are stiff, durable and nearly unbreakable.

Also compatible with Tenere 700 World Raid & Rally model

License plate mounting screws NOT included

NOTE: DO NOT install anything additional beyond the license plate, such as flush mount LED blinkers as the additional weight may cause a failure.


Features of the Tenere 700 Tail Tidy

Features of the Tenere 700 Tail Tidy

Install Instructions for Yamaha T7 Tail Tidy Fender Eliminator

Install Instructions for Yamaha T7 Tail Tidy Fender Eliminator

Highlights of the T7 Tail Tidy

Highlights of the T7 Tail Tidy

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AltRider Tail Tidy Fender Eliminator for the Yamaha Tenere 700

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TEIL NR.: T719-P-3200

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